Demeritt-O’Kane Notebook XIII: Historic Home Available for Purchase

FOR SALE – The Israel Demeritt House is a two-story, center-chimney, timber-frame dwelling, 40’ x 32’ with attached cape ell, 40’ x 21’.  NH state historian, Jim Garvin, reports that it “is the best example so far identified in Durham of a two-story, center chimney house in the federal style.”  Out of seven original fireplaces, three are incorporated within fully-joined raised panel walls. The remaining four mantels showcase the craftsmanship of Nathaniel Demeritt, the original builder, with reeded moldings derived from Asher Benjamin‘s A Country Builder’s Assistant (Demeritt’s own copy is housed at the New Hampshire Historical Society).  Original crown moldings, chair-rail and casing are unique and have been preserved in nearly every room.  The house also retains all original sash and corresponding “Indian” shutters.  There are six bedrooms and room for two full bathrooms.  The summer kitchen, 20’x 23’, is large enough to accommodate modern amenities with minimal retrofit of historic features.  The house is dismantled, documented and preserved in its entirety.  Please contact Arron Sturgis,  (207) 698 1695, and peruse the articles below for more information.

View the architectural model of the building, in PDF form.

Read our series, “The O’Kane Notebook,” on dismantling the building, and the craftsmanship revealed in the process.

Read James Garvin’s report on the history of the building and its residents.  You’ll never read a more well-written application for National Register status.

Peruse all of John Butler’s stunning photos of each interior and exterior wall, with trim carefully itemized and outlined, below:

11 thoughts on “Demeritt-O’Kane Notebook XIII: Historic Home Available for Purchase

  1. Pingback: Natural woods, their individuality and friendliness* | Preservation Timber Framing

  2. The Demeritt House is still available; I’ve sent an e-mail with prices and a floor plan. Please feel free to contact me directly (jessica at preservationtimberframing dot com) with any additional questions. Thanks, Jessica

  3. good morning,
    is there a chance I could get a rough floor plan for this building.


  4. Hi Geoff,

    Yes, of course! There are dismantling floor plans on pages 12-18 in the link to the model PDF above (where it says, “View the architectural model of the building, in PDF form.” under the introductory paragraph). These floor plans were created to map the original floorboards and subfloor, but also show a floor plan of the building. Please take a look and let me know if you need more information.

    Jessica MilNeil

  5. Hello!

    Is this house still for sale? Would love to get the floor plans and the pricing for it.

    Thank you!

  6. Hi MP,

    The house is still in storage and still for sale. Please email jessica (at) or emilee (at) for floor plans and pricing. The floor plans are also available in the PDF link to the architectural model, above.


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